Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Confessions of a Film Enthusiast

This is my first day of my job. I love movies. This is an understatment. I know it is more than that. My relationship with movies is liken to a happy marriage that lasted for more than a decade. There is no blind over-the-top passion or stifling boredom.

It seems like it can still go a long way and I am just get better at handling the relationship. I know my expectations of the relationship, there is no 'we' here. I am going to watch all the good movies. Again this is an understatement. What I am trying to say is I admire and respect good movies and I see them as a piece of beautifully crafted artistic expression.

But what are good movies? Well, I am not so sure too. I think that is the magical part of the relationship. I like certain movies which not many people will like. Movies speak to individuals differently. Judging a film professionally is like seeing them as products with flaws.

There is always a limitation of expressions to attempt to explain why certain movies are better than others. The mood the movie induce, the entertainment values, the plot, the characters, the actors, the message, the lines, the director's vision and ambition etc etc You can explain possibly aspect by aspect and thus conclude it is a good movie. The most accurate judgment is when the credits start rolling, what is the grade that will roll up in your head.

A film Critic? Most likely not in a professional way. I am more than a movie goer, film freak etc. Many will see movies as an entertainment but to me, I am proud to say that my passion in movies actually made some of my friends and colleagues to respect the art form.

So this is end of my confessions and as they always say... "Let the show begin...."


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